Communication conquers complexity

FireHydrant’s automated and customizable public and authenticated status pages keep your customers in the loop when incidents strike.

Trusted by thousands of engineers

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How it works

  • Never forget an update

    When you need to communicate new information, leave it to our Runbooks automation to update your status pages when you want, so you don’t have to worry about missing an update.

  • Build and keep customer trust

    FireHydrant makes it easy for you to communicate crucial information to your users whether you utilize our public or authenticated status pages.

  • Customize your status pages

    Select and create both public and authenticated status pages to keep those you want to be informed when and how you want them informed.

Create your status page

Easily set up a branded status page on your own domain all within FireHydrant. Create both public or authenticated status pages for your specific communication needs.

Never forget an update

Use FireHydrant Runbooks to automate your communication ensuring you never forget an update or break your SLA.

Keep customers up to date

Customers can subscribe to your status page to receive notifications when your most critical systems encounter problems.

See FireHydrant in action

See how service catalog, incident management, and incident communications come together in a live demo.

Get a demo